Before starting to use near-multicall for making DAO proposals, we first need to establish a general understanding of how it works.
The multicall instance (MI)
The regular DAO contract (SputnikDAO) can only call one target contract per proposal. That's why for proposals that call multiple smart contracts, we need a proxy contract that will handle all desired function calls. Multicall instances serve this purpose. Every DAO has its own private multicall instance to work with.
In a multicall proposal, the DAO calls its MI and passes it some instructions, the MI will follow those instructions to call the desired functions on the target contracts.
The MI address is always derived from the DAO address. It's easy to explain it with an example:
If the DAO address is marmaj.sputnik-dao.near
then it will have a MI deployed at marmaj.v1.multicall.near
DAOs need to create a multicall instance (MI) before using it for the first time. You can think of this as an installation step that only happens once. Instructions for this can be found on the onboarding guide.